
<animatedObject saveId="AnimatedObject_[nodeName]"Description: Save identifier
Type: String
Default: AnimatedObject_[nodeName]
Required: no

<animation duration="3"Description: Animation duration (sec.)
Type: Float
Default: 3
Required: no
initialTime="0"Description: Animation time after loading
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no

<clip filename="string"Description: I3d animation external animation
Type: String
Required: no
name="string"Description: I3d animation clipName
Type: String
Required: no
rootNode="node"Description: I3d animation rootnode
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<part node="node"Description: Part node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<keyFrame rotation="x y z"Description: Key rotation
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Default: values read from i3d node
Required: no
scale="x y z"Description: Key scale
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Default: values read from i3d node
Required: no
time="float"Description: Key time
Type: Float
Required: no
translation="x y z"Description: Key translation
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Default: values read from i3d node
Required: no
visibility="true"Description: Key visibility
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no

<shader node="node"Description: Shader node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
parameterName="string"Description: Shader parameter name
Type: String
Required: no

<keyFrame time="float"Description: Key time
Type: Float
Required: no
values="string"Description: Key shader parameter values. Use '-' to force using existing shader parameter value
Type: String
Required: no

<controls negAction="string"Description: Negative direction action event name
Type: String
Required: no
negText="string"Description: Negative direction text
Type: String
Required: no
posAction="string"Description: Positive direction action event name
Type: String
Required: no
posText="string"Description: Positive direction text
Type: String
Required: no
triggerNode="node"Description: Player trigger node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<openingHours closedText="string"Description: Closed text
Type: String or l10n key
Required: no
disableIfClosed="boolean"Description: Disabled if closed
Type: Boolean
Required: no
endTime="float"Description: End day time
Type: Float
Required: no
startTime="float"Description: Start day time
Type: Float
Required: no

<moving debug="false"Description: Flag to enable debug rendering
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
fadeIn="0"Description: Fade in time in seconds
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fadeOut="0"Description: Fade out time in seconds
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
file="string"Description: Path to sound sample
Type: String
Required: no
innerRadius="80"Description: Inner radius
Type: Float
Default: 80
Required: no
isLocalSound="false"Description: While set for vehicle sounds it will only play for the player currently using the vehicle
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
linkNode="node"Description: Link node for 3d sound
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
linkNodeOffset="x y z"Description: Sound source will be offset by this value to the link node
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
loops="1"Description: Number of loops (0 = infinite)
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
loopSynthesisRPMRatio="1"Description: Ratio between rpm in the gls file and actual rpm of the motor (e.g. 0.9: max. rpm in the gls file will be reached at 90% of motor rpm)
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
lowpassGainScale="1"Description: Additional lowpass gain that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
outerRadius="5"Description: Outer radius
Type: Float
Default: 5
Required: no
parent="string"Description: Parent sample for heredity
Type: String
Required: no
pitchScale="1"Description: Additional pitch that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
supportsReverb="true"Description: Flag to disable reverb
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
template="string"Description: Sound template name
Type: String
Required: no
volumeScale="1"Description: Additional scale that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<lowpassCutoffFrequency indoor="5000"Description: Indoor lowpass cutoff frequency
Type: Float
Default: 5000
Required: no
outdoor="5000"Description: Outdoor lowpass cutoff frequency
Type: Float
Default: 5000
Required: no

<lowpassGain indoor="0.8"Description: Indoor lowpass gain
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor lowpass gain
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<lowpassResonance indoor="2"Description: Indoor lowpass resonance
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
outdoor="2"Description: Outdoor lowpass resonance
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no

<pitch indoor="1"Description: Indoor pitch
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor pitch
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<randomization isInside="true"Description: Randomization is applied inside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
isOutside="true"Description: Randomization is applied outside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
maxLowpassGain="float"Description: Max lowpass gain
Type: Float
Required: no
maxPitch="float"Description: Max pitch
Type: Float
Required: no
maxVolume="float"Description: Max volume
Type: Float
Required: no
minLowpassGain="float"Description: Max lowpass gain
Type: Float
Required: no
minPitch="float"Description: Max pitch
Type: Float
Required: no
minVolume="float"Description: Min volume
Type: Float
Required: no

<sourceRandomization file="string"Description: Path to sound sample
Type: String
Required: no

<volume indoor="0.8"Description: Indoor volume
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor volume
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<negEnd debug="false"Description: Flag to enable debug rendering
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
fadeIn="0"Description: Fade in time in seconds
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fadeOut="0"Description: Fade out time in seconds
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
file="string"Description: Path to sound sample
Type: String
Required: no
innerRadius="80"Description: Inner radius
Type: Float
Default: 80
Required: no
isLocalSound="false"Description: While set for vehicle sounds it will only play for the player currently using the vehicle
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
linkNode="node"Description: Link node for 3d sound
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
linkNodeOffset="x y z"Description: Sound source will be offset by this value to the link node
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
loops="1"Description: Number of loops (0 = infinite)
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
loopSynthesisRPMRatio="1"Description: Ratio between rpm in the gls file and actual rpm of the motor (e.g. 0.9: max. rpm in the gls file will be reached at 90% of motor rpm)
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
lowpassGainScale="1"Description: Additional lowpass gain that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
outerRadius="5"Description: Outer radius
Type: Float
Default: 5
Required: no
parent="string"Description: Parent sample for heredity
Type: String
Required: no
pitchScale="1"Description: Additional pitch that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
supportsReverb="true"Description: Flag to disable reverb
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
template="string"Description: Sound template name
Type: String
Required: no
volumeScale="1"Description: Additional scale that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<lowpassCutoffFrequency indoor="5000"Description: Indoor lowpass cutoff frequency
Type: Float
Default: 5000
Required: no
outdoor="5000"Description: Outdoor lowpass cutoff frequency
Type: Float
Default: 5000
Required: no

<lowpassGain indoor="0.8"Description: Indoor lowpass gain
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor lowpass gain
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<lowpassResonance indoor="2"Description: Indoor lowpass resonance
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
outdoor="2"Description: Outdoor lowpass resonance
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no

<pitch indoor="1"Description: Indoor pitch
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor pitch
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<randomization isInside="true"Description: Randomization is applied inside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
isOutside="true"Description: Randomization is applied outside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
maxLowpassGain="float"Description: Max lowpass gain
Type: Float
Required: no
maxPitch="float"Description: Max pitch
Type: Float
Required: no
maxVolume="float"Description: Max volume
Type: Float
Required: no
minLowpassGain="float"Description: Max lowpass gain
Type: Float
Required: no
minPitch="float"Description: Max pitch
Type: Float
Required: no
minVolume="float"Description: Min volume
Type: Float
Required: no

<sourceRandomization file="string"Description: Path to sound sample
Type: String
Required: no

<volume indoor="0.8"Description: Indoor volume
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor volume
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<posEnd debug="false"Description: Flag to enable debug rendering
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
fadeIn="0"Description: Fade in time in seconds
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fadeOut="0"Description: Fade out time in seconds
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
file="string"Description: Path to sound sample
Type: String
Required: no
innerRadius="80"Description: Inner radius
Type: Float
Default: 80
Required: no
isLocalSound="false"Description: While set for vehicle sounds it will only play for the player currently using the vehicle
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
linkNode="node"Description: Link node for 3d sound
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
linkNodeOffset="x y z"Description: Sound source will be offset by this value to the link node
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
loops="1"Description: Number of loops (0 = infinite)
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
loopSynthesisRPMRatio="1"Description: Ratio between rpm in the gls file and actual rpm of the motor (e.g. 0.9: max. rpm in the gls file will be reached at 90% of motor rpm)
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
lowpassGainScale="1"Description: Additional lowpass gain that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
outerRadius="5"Description: Outer radius
Type: Float
Default: 5
Required: no
parent="string"Description: Parent sample for heredity
Type: String
Required: no
pitchScale="1"Description: Additional pitch that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
supportsReverb="true"Description: Flag to disable reverb
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
template="string"Description: Sound template name
Type: String
Required: no
volumeScale="1"Description: Additional scale that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<lowpassCutoffFrequency indoor="5000"Description: Indoor lowpass cutoff frequency
Type: Float
Default: 5000
Required: no
outdoor="5000"Description: Outdoor lowpass cutoff frequency
Type: Float
Default: 5000
Required: no

<lowpassGain indoor="0.8"Description: Indoor lowpass gain
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor lowpass gain
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<lowpassResonance indoor="2"Description: Indoor lowpass resonance
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
outdoor="2"Description: Outdoor lowpass resonance
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no

<pitch indoor="1"Description: Indoor pitch
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor pitch
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<randomization isInside="true"Description: Randomization is applied inside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
isOutside="true"Description: Randomization is applied outside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
maxLowpassGain="float"Description: Max lowpass gain
Type: Float
Required: no
maxPitch="float"Description: Max pitch
Type: Float
Required: no
maxVolume="float"Description: Max volume
Type: Float
Required: no
minLowpassGain="float"Description: Max lowpass gain
Type: Float
Required: no
minPitch="float"Description: Max pitch
Type: Float
Required: no
minVolume="float"Description: Min volume
Type: Float
Required: no

<sourceRandomization file="string"Description: Path to sound sample
Type: String
Required: no

<volume indoor="0.8"Description: Indoor volume
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor volume
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no


<filename>stringDescription: Feeding robot i3d file
Type: String
Required: yes

<i3dMapping id="string"Description: Identifier to be used in xml
Type: String
Required: no
node="string"Description: Index path to node in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no


<parentFile xmlFilename="string"Description: Remove vehicle if unit empty
Type: String
Required: no

<clearList keepIndex="integer"Description: Index of list to keep
Type: Integer
Required: no
path="string"Description: List to clear but keep one item
Type: String
Required: no

<remove path="string"Description: Path to remove from parent xml
Type: String
Required: no

<set path="string"Description: Path change in parent xml
Type: String
Required: no
value="string"Description: Target value to set in parent file
Type: String
Required: no


<playerTrigger node="node"Description: Vehicle and player trigger node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<robot acceleration="1"Description: Max acceleration
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
deceleration="-1"Description: Max deceleration
Type: Float
Default: -1
Required: no
maxSpeed="0"Description: Max Speed
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
node="node"Description: Robot node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
triggerNode="node"Description: Vehicle and player trigger node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<effectNode alignToWorldY="false"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Align Y axis to world Y
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
alignXAxisToWorldY="false"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Align X axis to world Y
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
alwaysVisibile="false"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Always visibile
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
controlPoint="10 0.25 0 0"Description: (PipeEffect) Control point position
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Default: 10 0.25 0 0
Required: no
defaultFillType="string"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Default fill type name
Type: String
Required: no
delay="0"Description: (ParticleEffect) Delay
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
dropOffset="0"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Drop offset
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
dynamicFillType="false"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Dynamic fill type
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
effectClass="ShaderPlaneEffect"Description: Effect class
Type: String
Default: ShaderPlaneEffect
Required: no
effectNode="string"Description: Effect node
Type: String
Required: no
effectType="string"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Effect type string
Type: String
Required: no
emitCountScale="1"Description: (ParticleEffect) Emit count scale
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
extraDistance="0.5"Description: (ParticleEffect) Extra distance
Type: Float
Default: 0.5
Required: no
extraDistanceNode="string"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Distance between effect and this node will be added to distance
Type: String
Required: no
fadeInTime="1"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade in time
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
fadeOutTime="1"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade out time
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
fadeScale="float"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade scale
Type: Float
Required: no
fadeTime="1"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade time for fade in and fade out
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
fadeXMaxDistance="4.18"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade X max. distance
Type: Float
Default: 4.18
Required: no
fadeXMinDistance="-1.58"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade X min. distance
Type: Float
Default: -1.58
Required: no
filename="string"Description: Effect from external i3d
Type: String
Required: no
forcedFillType="string"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Forced fill type that is always applied
Type: String
Required: no
forcedFruitType="string"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Forced fruit type that is always applied
Type: String
Required: no
forcedGrowthState="integer"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Forced growth state that is always applied
Type: Integer
Required: no
ignoreDistanceLifeSpan="false"Description: (ParticleEffect) Ignore distance based lifespan and apply fixed lifespan
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
lifespan="float"Description: (ParticleEffect) Lifespan
Type: Float
Required: no
linkNode="string"Description: Link node
Type: String
Required: no
materialType="string"Description: (ParticleEffect) Material type
Type: String
Required: no
materialTypeId="string"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Material type id
Type: String
Default: 1
Required: no
maxBending="0.25"Description: (PipeEffect) Max bending
Type: Float
Default: 0.25
Required: no
maxDensitySpeed="8"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Speed at which the density is 1
Type: Float
Default: 8
Required: no
maxHeight="1"Description: (LevelerEffect) Max. height
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
maxOffset="0"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Width offset in max direction
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
maxVisHeight="float"Description: (GrainTankEffect) Max. height to bis visibile
Type: Float
Default: inf
Required: no
meshType="string"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Mesh Type
Type: String
Required: no
minDensity="0.5"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Min. Density
Type: Float
Default: 0.5
Required: no
minHeight="-0.5"Description: (LevelerEffect) Min. height
Type: Float
Default: -0.5
Required: no
minOffset="0"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Width offset in min direction
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
minVisHeight="float"Description: (GrainTankEffect) Min. height to bis visibile
Type: Float
Default: -inf
Required: no
node="node"Description: Effect in i3d node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
offset="0.5"Description: (SlurrySideToSideEffect) Animation time offset
Type: Float
Default: 0.5
Required: no
particleType="unloading"Description: (ParticleEffect) Particle type
Type: String
Default: unloading
Required: no
position="x y z"Description: Translation
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
positionUpdateNodes="string"Description: (PipeEffect) List of nodes to position at control point
Type: String
Required: no
prio="0"Description: Prio
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
refAnimation="string"Description: (SlurrySideToSideEffect) Reference animation
Type: String
Required: no
requiredFillType="string"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Effect will only be used for this fill type
Type: String
Required: no
requiredFruitType="string"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Effect will only be used for this fruit type
Type: String
Required: no
requiredGrowthState="integer"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Effect will only be used for this growth state
Type: Integer
Required: no
rotation="x y z"Description: Rotation
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
scale="x y z"Description: Scale
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Required: no
scrollLength="1"Description: (MorphPositionEffect) scroll length
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
scrollSpeed="1"Description: (MorphPositionEffect) scroll speed
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
shapeScaleSpread="0.6 1 1 0"Description: (PipeEffect) Shape scale spread
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Default: 0.6 1 1 0
Required: no
shared="boolean"Description: Load i3d file as shared file
Type: Boolean
Required: no
showOnFirstUse="false"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Show on first use
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
speed="1"Description: speed
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
spriteGainScale="float"Description: (ParticleEffect) Scale factor that is applied on sprite gain scale loaded from particle system
Type: Float
Default: #spriteScale value
Required: no
spriteScale="1"Description: (ParticleEffect) Scale factor that is applied on sprite scale loaded from particle system
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
startDelay="0"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Start delay
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
startTime="float"Description: (ParticleEffect) Start time
Type: Float
Default: delay
Required: no
stopDelay="0"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Stop delay
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
stopTime="float"Description: (ParticleEffect) Stop time
Type: Float
Default: delay
Required: no
turnOffRequiredEffect="0"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Index of turn off required effect
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
unloadDirection="integer"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Unload direction
Type: Integer
Required: no
updateDistance="string"Description: (PipeEffect) Update effect distance
Type: String
Default: true
Required: no
useCuttingWidth="true"Description: (ParticleEffect) Use cutting width
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
useDistance="true"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Use distance
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
useFillTypeTextureArrays="boolean"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Apply shared fill type texture array to effect
Type: Boolean
Required: no
useFruitColor="false"Description: (ParticleEffect) Apply the fruit color to the smoke effect instead of the fill color
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
useMaxValue="false"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Use max width of effect
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
useSelfAsEffectNode="false"Description: Use root node as effect node
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
uvScaleSpeedFreqAmp="x y z w"Description: (PipeEffect) UV Scale, speed, frequency, amplitude
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Required: no
uvSpeed="float"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) UV speed
Type: Float
Required: no
width="0"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Width
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
widthScale="1"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Width scale (Percentage)
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
worldSpace="true"Description: (ParticleEffect) World space
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no

<effectNode alignToWorldY="false"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Align Y axis to world Y
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
alignXAxisToWorldY="false"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Align X axis to world Y
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
alwaysVisibile="false"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Always visibile
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
controlPoint="10 0.25 0 0"Description: (PipeEffect) Control point position
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Default: 10 0.25 0 0
Required: no
defaultFillType="string"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Default fill type name
Type: String
Required: no
delay="0"Description: (ParticleEffect) Delay
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
dropOffset="0"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Drop offset
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
dynamicFillType="false"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Dynamic fill type
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
effectClass="ShaderPlaneEffect"Description: Effect class
Type: String
Default: ShaderPlaneEffect
Required: no
effectNode="string"Description: Effect node
Type: String
Required: no
effectType="string"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Effect type string
Type: String
Required: no
emitCountScale="1"Description: (ParticleEffect) Emit count scale
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
extraDistance="0.5"Description: (ParticleEffect) Extra distance
Type: Float
Default: 0.5
Required: no
extraDistanceNode="string"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Distance between effect and this node will be added to distance
Type: String
Required: no
fadeInTime="1"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade in time
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
fadeOutTime="1"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade out time
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
fadeScale="float"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade scale
Type: Float
Required: no
fadeTime="1"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade time for fade in and fade out
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
fadeXMaxDistance="4.18"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade X max. distance
Type: Float
Default: 4.18
Required: no
fadeXMinDistance="-1.58"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Fade X min. distance
Type: Float
Default: -1.58
Required: no
filename="string"Description: Effect from external i3d
Type: String
Required: no
forcedFillType="string"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Forced fill type that is always applied
Type: String
Required: no
forcedFruitType="string"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Forced fruit type that is always applied
Type: String
Required: no
forcedGrowthState="integer"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Forced growth state that is always applied
Type: Integer
Required: no
ignoreDistanceLifeSpan="false"Description: (ParticleEffect) Ignore distance based lifespan and apply fixed lifespan
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
lifespan="float"Description: (ParticleEffect) Lifespan
Type: Float
Required: no
linkNode="string"Description: Link node
Type: String
Required: no
materialType="string"Description: (ParticleEffect) Material type
Type: String
Required: no
materialTypeId="string"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Material type id
Type: String
Default: 1
Required: no
maxBending="0.25"Description: (PipeEffect) Max bending
Type: Float
Default: 0.25
Required: no
maxDensitySpeed="8"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Speed at which the density is 1
Type: Float
Default: 8
Required: no
maxHeight="1"Description: (LevelerEffect) Max. height
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
maxOffset="0"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Width offset in max direction
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
maxVisHeight="float"Description: (GrainTankEffect) Max. height to bis visibile
Type: Float
Default: inf
Required: no
meshType="string"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Mesh Type
Type: String
Required: no
minDensity="0.5"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Min. Density
Type: Float
Default: 0.5
Required: no
minHeight="-0.5"Description: (LevelerEffect) Min. height
Type: Float
Default: -0.5
Required: no
minOffset="0"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Width offset in min direction
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
minVisHeight="float"Description: (GrainTankEffect) Min. height to bis visibile
Type: Float
Default: -inf
Required: no
node="node"Description: Effect in i3d node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
offset="0.5"Description: (SlurrySideToSideEffect) Animation time offset
Type: Float
Default: 0.5
Required: no
particleType="unloading"Description: (ParticleEffect) Particle type
Type: String
Default: unloading
Required: no
position="x y z"Description: Translation
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
positionUpdateNodes="string"Description: (PipeEffect) List of nodes to position at control point
Type: String
Required: no
prio="0"Description: Prio
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
refAnimation="string"Description: (SlurrySideToSideEffect) Reference animation
Type: String
Required: no
requiredFillType="string"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Effect will only be used for this fill type
Type: String
Required: no
requiredFruitType="string"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Effect will only be used for this fruit type
Type: String
Required: no
requiredGrowthState="integer"Description: (TypedMotionPathEffect) Effect will only be used for this growth state
Type: Integer
Required: no
rotation="x y z"Description: Rotation
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
scale="x y z"Description: Scale
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Required: no
scrollLength="1"Description: (MorphPositionEffect) scroll length
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
scrollSpeed="1"Description: (MorphPositionEffect) scroll speed
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
shapeScaleSpread="0.6 1 1 0"Description: (PipeEffect) Shape scale spread
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Default: 0.6 1 1 0
Required: no
shared="boolean"Description: Load i3d file as shared file
Type: Boolean
Required: no
showOnFirstUse="false"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Show on first use
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
speed="1"Description: speed
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
spriteGainScale="float"Description: (ParticleEffect) Scale factor that is applied on sprite gain scale loaded from particle system
Type: Float
Default: #spriteScale value
Required: no
spriteScale="1"Description: (ParticleEffect) Scale factor that is applied on sprite scale loaded from particle system
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
startDelay="0"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Start delay
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
startTime="float"Description: (ParticleEffect) Start time
Type: Float
Default: delay
Required: no
stopDelay="0"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Stop delay
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
stopTime="float"Description: (ParticleEffect) Stop time
Type: Float
Default: delay
Required: no
turnOffRequiredEffect="0"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Index of turn off required effect
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
unloadDirection="integer"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Unload direction
Type: Integer
Required: no
updateDistance="string"Description: (PipeEffect) Update effect distance
Type: String
Default: true
Required: no
useCuttingWidth="true"Description: (ParticleEffect) Use cutting width
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
useDistance="true"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Use distance
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
useFillTypeTextureArrays="boolean"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) Apply shared fill type texture array to effect
Type: Boolean
Required: no
useFruitColor="false"Description: (ParticleEffect) Apply the fruit color to the smoke effect instead of the fill color
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
useMaxValue="false"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Use max width of effect
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
useSelfAsEffectNode="false"Description: Use root node as effect node
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
uvScaleSpeedFreqAmp="x y z w"Description: (PipeEffect) UV Scale, speed, frequency, amplitude
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Required: no
uvSpeed="float"Description: (ShaderPlaneEffect) UV speed
Type: Float
Required: no
width="0"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Width
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
widthScale="1"Description: (CutterMotionPathEffect) Width scale (Percentage)
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
worldSpace="true"Description: (ParticleEffect) World space
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no

<motionPathEffect delay="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Start and stop delay
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
density="1"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Density Scale
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
densityMaskFilename="string"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Custom Density Mask Texture
Type: String
Required: no
densityScale="float"Description: (CultivatorMotionPathEffect) Density Scale
Type: Float
Default: Random between 0.75 and 1
Required: no
endFade="0.8"Description: (WindrowerMotionPathEffect) End of fading depending on test area result
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
fadeOutScale="1"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Fade out speed multiplicator
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
fadeVisibilityMax="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Default fade visibility max. value
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fadeVisibilityMin="1"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Default fade visibility min. value
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
inversedFadeOut="false"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Using inversed fade in as fade out
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
isCultivatorSweepEffect="false"Description: (CultivatorMotionPathEffect) Is sweep effect
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
isLeft="false"Description: (WindrowerMotionPathEffect) Defines if rake is mounted on left or right side
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
isPickup="false"Description: (WindrowerMotionPathEffect) Defines if the effect is a pickup effect and width is adjusted by hiding rows instead of the fade value
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
maxDensitySpeed="8"Description: (CultivatorMotionPathEffect) Speed at which the density is 1
Type: Float
Default: 8
Required: no
maxReferenceVehicleSpeed="10"Description: (MotionPathEffect) This speed represents speed '1' for effect
Type: Float
Default: 10
Required: no
maxScaleSpeed="10"Description: (PlowMotionPathEffect) Speed at which the effect reaches the max. scale
Type: Float
Default: 10
Required: no
maxShapeScale="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Scale of single shapes at the end of the effect
Type: Float
Required: no
maxVariationState="float"Description: (CultivatorMotionPathEffect) Max. variation state
Type: Float
Default: Max state of variation depending on speed (0 -> slow, 0.5 -> normal, 1 -> fast)
Required: no
minDensity="0.5"Description: (CultivatorMotionPathEffect) Min. Density
Type: Float
Default: 0.5
Required: no
minFade="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Defines start fade value
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
minScaleOffset="-0.07"Description: (PlowMotionPathEffect) Y Offset when the scale is at it's minimum
Type: Float
Default: -0.07
Required: no
numRows="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Number of rows
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
rowLength="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Number of plants for each row
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
shapeScale="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Scale of single shapes
Type: Float
Required: no
speedReferenceAnimation="string"Description: (MotionPathEffect) This animation will be used for the effect speed
Type: String
Required: no
speedReferenceAnimationOffset="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Time offset to apply
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
speedScale="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Speed scale that is applied to effect speed defined in effect.xml or i3d file
Type: Float
Required: no
startDelay="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Start delay
Type: Float
Default: value of #delay
Required: no
startFade="0.2"Description: (WindrowerMotionPathEffect) Start of fading depending on test area result
Type: Float
Default: 0.2
Required: no
stopDelay="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Stop delay
Type: Float
Default: value of #delay
Required: no
textureFilename="string"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Animation texture
Type: String
Default: 0
Required: no
textureRealWidth="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Real width of effect in meter with this texture
Type: Float
Required: no
useVehicleSpeed="boolean"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Use speed of vehicle as effect speed
Type: Boolean
Required: no
verticalOffset="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Vertical offset of plants
Type: Float
Required: no
visibilityX="50 -50"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Visibility cut size X axis
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Default: 50 -50
Required: no
visibilityY="50 -50"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Visibility cut size Y axis
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Default: 50 -50
Required: no
visibilityZ="50 -50"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Visibility cut size Z axis
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Default: 50 -50
Required: no

<particleSystem delay="float"Description: Activation delay
Type: Float
Required: no
emitCountScale="1"Description: Emit count scale
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
emitterShape="node"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Emitter shape node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
fadeInRange="x y"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Fade in range
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no
fadeOutRange="x y"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Fade out range
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no
lifespan="float"Description: Lifespan
Type: Float
Required: no
materialIndex="1"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Particle type
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
materialType="same as particleType"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Material type
Type: String
Default: same as particleType
Required: no
particleType="string"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Particle type
Type: String
Required: no
startTime="float"Description: Start time
Type: Float
Default: Delay value
Required: no
stopTime="float"Description: Stop time
Type: Float
Default: Delay value
Required: no
useEmitterVisibility="true"Description: use emitter shape visibility
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
worldSpace="true"Description: Is world space
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no

<testArea heightNode="node"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Test area height node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
startNode="node"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Test area start node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
widthNode="node"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Test area width node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<motionPathEffect delay="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Start and stop delay
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
density="1"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Density Scale
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
densityMaskFilename="string"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Custom Density Mask Texture
Type: String
Required: no
densityScale="float"Description: (CultivatorMotionPathEffect) Density Scale
Type: Float
Default: Random between 0.75 and 1
Required: no
endFade="0.8"Description: (WindrowerMotionPathEffect) End of fading depending on test area result
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
fadeOutScale="1"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Fade out speed multiplicator
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
fadeVisibilityMax="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Default fade visibility max. value
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fadeVisibilityMin="1"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Default fade visibility min. value
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
inversedFadeOut="false"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Using inversed fade in as fade out
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
isCultivatorSweepEffect="false"Description: (CultivatorMotionPathEffect) Is sweep effect
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
isLeft="false"Description: (WindrowerMotionPathEffect) Defines if rake is mounted on left or right side
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
isPickup="false"Description: (WindrowerMotionPathEffect) Defines if the effect is a pickup effect and width is adjusted by hiding rows instead of the fade value
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
maxDensitySpeed="8"Description: (CultivatorMotionPathEffect) Speed at which the density is 1
Type: Float
Default: 8
Required: no
maxReferenceVehicleSpeed="10"Description: (MotionPathEffect) This speed represents speed '1' for effect
Type: Float
Default: 10
Required: no
maxScaleSpeed="10"Description: (PlowMotionPathEffect) Speed at which the effect reaches the max. scale
Type: Float
Default: 10
Required: no
maxShapeScale="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Scale of single shapes at the end of the effect
Type: Float
Required: no
maxVariationState="float"Description: (CultivatorMotionPathEffect) Max. variation state
Type: Float
Default: Max state of variation depending on speed (0 -> slow, 0.5 -> normal, 1 -> fast)
Required: no
minDensity="0.5"Description: (CultivatorMotionPathEffect) Min. Density
Type: Float
Default: 0.5
Required: no
minFade="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Defines start fade value
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
minScaleOffset="-0.07"Description: (PlowMotionPathEffect) Y Offset when the scale is at it's minimum
Type: Float
Default: -0.07
Required: no
numRows="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Number of rows
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
rowLength="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Number of plants for each row
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
shapeScale="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Scale of single shapes
Type: Float
Required: no
speedReferenceAnimation="string"Description: (MotionPathEffect) This animation will be used for the effect speed
Type: String
Required: no
speedReferenceAnimationOffset="0"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Time offset to apply
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
speedScale="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Speed scale that is applied to effect speed defined in effect.xml or i3d file
Type: Float
Required: no
startDelay="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Start delay
Type: Float
Default: value of #delay
Required: no
startFade="0.2"Description: (WindrowerMotionPathEffect) Start of fading depending on test area result
Type: Float
Default: 0.2
Required: no
stopDelay="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Stop delay
Type: Float
Default: value of #delay
Required: no
textureFilename="string"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Animation texture
Type: String
Default: 0
Required: no
textureRealWidth="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Real width of effect in meter with this texture
Type: Float
Required: no
useVehicleSpeed="boolean"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Use speed of vehicle as effect speed
Type: Boolean
Required: no
verticalOffset="float"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Vertical offset of plants
Type: Float
Required: no
visibilityX="50 -50"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Visibility cut size X axis
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Default: 50 -50
Required: no
visibilityY="50 -50"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Visibility cut size Y axis
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Default: 50 -50
Required: no
visibilityZ="50 -50"Description: (MotionPathEffect) Visibility cut size Z axis
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Default: 50 -50
Required: no

<particleSystem delay="float"Description: Activation delay
Type: Float
Required: no
emitCountScale="1"Description: Emit count scale
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
emitterShape="node"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Emitter shape node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
fadeInRange="x y"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Fade in range
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no
fadeOutRange="x y"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Fade out range
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no
lifespan="float"Description: Lifespan
Type: Float
Required: no
materialIndex="1"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Particle type
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
materialType="same as particleType"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Material type
Type: String
Default: same as particleType
Required: no
particleType="string"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Particle type
Type: String
Required: no
startTime="float"Description: Start time
Type: Float
Default: Delay value
Required: no
stopTime="float"Description: Stop time
Type: Float
Default: Delay value
Required: no
useEmitterVisibility="true"Description: use emitter shape visibility
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
worldSpace="true"Description: Is world space
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no

<snowPlowEffect maxScale="1 1 1"Description: (SnowPlowMotionPathEffect) Max. Scale which corresponds to the second motion path array state
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Default: 1 1 1
Required: no
minScale="1 1 1"Description: (SnowPlowMotionPathEffect) Min. Scale which corresponds to the first motion path array state
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Default: 1 1 1
Required: no
scrollSpeed="1"Description: (SnowPlowMotionPathEffect) UV scroll speed
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
shaderPlane="node"Description: (SnowPlowMotionPathEffect) Node of shader plane effect to control the same way
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<testArea heightNode="node"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Test area height node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
startNode="node"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Test area start node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
widthNode="node"Description: (WindrowerEffect) Test area width node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<door duration="float"Description: Robot door duration
Type: Float
Required: no
maxY="float"Description: Robot door maxY
Type: Float
Required: no
node="node"Description: Robot door node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<fillPlane allSidePlanes="true"Description: All side planes
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
capacity="integer"Description: Fillplane capacity
Type: Integer
Required: no
changeColor="false"Description: Fillplane supports color change
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
maxAllowedHeapAngle="35"Description: Max. allowed heap surface slope angle [deg]
Type: Angle
Default: 35
Required: no
maxDelta="1"Description: Max. heap size above above input surface [m]
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
maxSubDivEdgeLength="0.9"Description: Max. length of sub division edges [m]
Type: Float
Default: 0.9
Required: no
maxSurfaceDistanceError="0.05"Description: Max. allowed distance from input mesh surface to created fill plane mesh [m]
Type: Float
Default: 0.05
Required: no
node="node"Description: Fillplane base node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
retessellateTop="false"Description: Retessellate top plane for better triangulation quality
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
syncMaxSubDivEdgeLength="1.35"Description: Max. length of sub division edges used to sync in multiplayer [m]
Type: Float
Default: 1.35
Required: no

<mixer recipe="string"Description: Recipe filltype
Type: String
Required: no

<animationNode class="RotationAnimation"Description: Animation class (RotationAnimation | RotationAnimationSpikes | ScrollingAnimation | ShakeAnimation)
Type: String
Default: RotationAnimation
Required: no
minAlphaForTurnOff="0"Description: Min. alpha for turn off (speed [0-1])
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
node="node"Description: Node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
rotAxis="2"Description: Rotation axis
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
rotSpeed="1"Description: Rotation speed
Type: Angle
Default: 1
Required: no
scrollLength="1"Description: (ScrollingAnimation) Scroll length
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
scrollSpeed="1"Description: (ScrollingAnimation) Scroll speed
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
shaderComponentScale="1 0 0 0"Description: Shader parameter name
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Default: 1 0 0 0
Required: no
shaderParameterComponent="1"Description: (ScrollingAnimation) Shader parameter component
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
shaderParameterName="string"Description: Shader parameter name
Type: String
Required: no
shaderParameterPrevName="automatically calculated from #shaderParameterName"Description: Prev Shader parameter name
Type: String
Default: automatically calculated from #shaderParameterName
Required: no
shaking="0 0 0 0"Description: (ShakeAnimation) Shaking scale for shader parameters
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Default: 0 0 0 0
Required: no
speedFunc="string"Description: Lua speed function
Type: String
Required: no
speedFuncParam="string"Description: Additional string parameter that is passed to the speedFunc
Type: String
Required: no
turnedOffPosition="float"Description: (ScrollingAnimation) Target position while turned off
Type: Float
Required: no
turnedOffRotation="angle"Description: (RotationAnimation) Target rotation while turned off
Type: Angle
Required: no
turnedOffSubDivisions="1"Description: Amount of sub divisions which have the same state
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
turnOffFadeTime="2"Description: Turn off fade time
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
turnOnFadeTime="2"Description: Turn on fade time
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
turnOnOffVariance="float"Description: Turn off time variance
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: (ScrollingAnimation) Fill type name
Type: String
Required: no

<spikes maxRot="angle"Description: Max. spike rotation
Type: Angle
Required: no
moveDownRange="x y"Description: Move down range
Type: Rotation values (x, y)
Required: no
moveUpRange="x y"Description: Move up range
Type: Rotation values (x, y)
Required: no
rotAxis="3"Description: Rotation axis
Type: Integer
Default: 3
Required: no

<spike direction="integer"Description: Spike rot. direction
Type: Integer
Required: no
node="node"Description: Spike node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<discharging debug="false"Description: Flag to enable debug rendering
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
fadeIn="0"Description: Fade in time in seconds
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fadeOut="0"Description: Fade out time in seconds
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
file="string"Description: Path to sound sample
Type: String
Required: no
innerRadius="80"Description: Inner radius
Type: Float
Default: 80
Required: no
isLocalSound="false"Description: While set for vehicle sounds it will only play for the player currently using the vehicle
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
linkNode="node"Description: Link node for 3d sound
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
linkNodeOffset="x y z"Description: Sound source will be offset by this value to the link node
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
loops="1"Description: Number of loops (0 = infinite)
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
loopSynthesisRPMRatio="1"Description: Ratio between rpm in the gls file and actual rpm of the motor (e.g. 0.9: max. rpm in the gls file will be reached at 90% of motor rpm)
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
lowpassGainScale="1"Description: Additional lowpass gain that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
outerRadius="5"Description: Outer radius
Type: Float
Default: 5
Required: no
parent="string"Description: Parent sample for heredity
Type: String
Required: no
pitchScale="1"Description: Additional pitch that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
supportsReverb="true"Description: Flag to disable reverb
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
template="string"Description: Sound template name
Type: String
Required: no
volumeScale="1"Description: Additional scale that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<lowpassCutoffFrequency indoor="5000"Description: Indoor lowpass cutoff frequency
Type: Float
Default: 5000
Required: no
outdoor="5000"Description: Outdoor lowpass cutoff frequency
Type: Float
Default: 5000
Required: no

<lowpassGain indoor="0.8"Description: Indoor lowpass gain
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor lowpass gain
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<lowpassResonance indoor="2"Description: Indoor lowpass resonance
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
outdoor="2"Description: Outdoor lowpass resonance
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no

<pitch indoor="1"Description: Indoor pitch
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor pitch
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<randomization isInside="true"Description: Randomization is applied inside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
isOutside="true"Description: Randomization is applied outside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
maxLowpassGain="float"Description: Max lowpass gain
Type: Float
Required: no
maxPitch="float"Description: Max pitch
Type: Float
Required: no
maxVolume="float"Description: Max volume
Type: Float
Required: no
minLowpassGain="float"Description: Max lowpass gain
Type: Float
Required: no
minPitch="float"Description: Max pitch
Type: Float
Required: no
minVolume="float"Description: Min volume
Type: Float
Required: no

<sourceRandomization file="string"Description: Path to sound sample
Type: String
Required: no

<volume indoor="0.8"Description: Indoor volume
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor volume
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<driving debug="false"Description: Flag to enable debug rendering
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
fadeIn="0"Description: Fade in time in seconds
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fadeOut="0"Description: Fade out time in seconds
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
file="string"Description: Path to sound sample
Type: String
Required: no
innerRadius="80"Description: Inner radius
Type: Float
Default: 80
Required: no
isLocalSound="false"Description: While set for vehicle sounds it will only play for the player currently using the vehicle
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
linkNode="node"Description: Link node for 3d sound
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
linkNodeOffset="x y z"Description: Sound source will be offset by this value to the link node
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
loops="1"Description: Number of loops (0 = infinite)
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
loopSynthesisRPMRatio="1"Description: Ratio between rpm in the gls file and actual rpm of the motor (e.g. 0.9: max. rpm in the gls file will be reached at 90% of motor rpm)
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
lowpassGainScale="1"Description: Additional lowpass gain that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
outerRadius="5"Description: Outer radius
Type: Float
Default: 5
Required: no
parent="string"Description: Parent sample for heredity
Type: String
Required: no
pitchScale="1"Description: Additional pitch that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
supportsReverb="true"Description: Flag to disable reverb
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
template="string"Description: Sound template name
Type: String
Required: no
volumeScale="1"Description: Additional scale that is applied on the volume attributes
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<lowpassCutoffFrequency indoor="5000"Description: Indoor lowpass cutoff frequency
Type: Float
Default: 5000
Required: no
outdoor="5000"Description: Outdoor lowpass cutoff frequency
Type: Float
Default: 5000
Required: no

<lowpassGain indoor="0.8"Description: Indoor lowpass gain
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor lowpass gain
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<lowpassResonance indoor="2"Description: Indoor lowpass resonance
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
outdoor="2"Description: Outdoor lowpass resonance
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no

<pitch indoor="1"Description: Indoor pitch
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor pitch
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no

<randomization isInside="true"Description: Randomization is applied inside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
isOutside="true"Description: Randomization is applied outside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
maxLowpassGain="float"Description: Max lowpass gain
Type: Float
Required: no
maxPitch="float"Description: Max pitch
Type: Float
Required: no
maxVolume="float"Description: Max volume
Type: Float
Required: no
minLowpassGain="float"Description: Max lowpass gain
Type: Float
Required: no
minPitch="float"Description: Max pitch
Type: Float
Required: no
minVolume="float"Description: Min volume
Type: Float
Required: no

<sourceRandomization file="string"Description: Path to sound sample
Type: String
Required: no

<volume indoor="0.8"Description: Indoor volume
Type: Float
Default: 0.8
Required: no
outdoor="1"Description: Outdoor volume
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<modifier modifiedValue="float"Description: Change that is applied on sample value
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: Modifier type
Type: String
Required: no
value="float"Description: Source value of modifier type
Type: Float
Required: no


<state class="string"Description: State class
Type: String
Required: no
deltaFillLevel="integer"Description: Delta fill level
Type: Integer
Required: no
name="string"Description: State name
Type: String
Required: no

<animatedObject direction="integer"Description: Animated object direction
Type: Integer
Required: no
index="integer"Description: Animated object index
Type: Integer
Required: no
reset="boolean"Description: Animated object reset on state deactivate
Type: Boolean
Required: no
time="integer"Description: Animated object time
Type: Integer
Required: no

<objectChange centerOfMassActive="x y z"Description: center of mass if object change is active
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z)
Required: no
centerOfMassInactive="x y z"Description: center of mass if object change is in active
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z)
Required: no
compoundChildActive="boolean"Description: compound child state if object change is active
Type: Boolean
Required: no
compoundChildInactive="boolean"Description: compound child state if object change is in active
Type: Boolean
Required: no
interpolation="false"Description: Value will be interpolated
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
interpolationTime="1"Description: Time for interpolation
Type: Time in seconds
Default: 1
Required: no
massActive="float"Description: mass if object change is active
Type: Float
Required: no
massInactive="float"Description: mass if object change is in active
Type: Float
Required: no
node="node"Description: Object change node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
parentNodeActive="node"Description: parent node if object change is active
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
parentNodeInactive="node"Description: parent node if object change is in active
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
rigidBodyTypeActive="string"Description: rigid body type if object change is active
Type: String
Required: no
rigidBodyTypeInactive="string"Description: rigid body type if object change is in active
Type: String
Required: no
rotationActive="x y z"Description: rotation if object change is active
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
rotationInactive="x y z"Description: rotation if object change is in active
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
scaleActive="x y z"Description: scale if object change is active
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Required: no
scaleInactive="x y z"Description: scale if object change is in active
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Required: no
shaderParameter="string"Description: Shader parameter name
Type: String
Required: no
shaderParameterActive="x y z w"Description: shaderParameter if object change is active
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Required: no
shaderParameterInactive="x y z w"Description: shaderParameter if object change is in active
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Required: no
sharedShaderParameter="false"Description: Shader parameter is applied on all objects with the same material
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
translationActive="x y z"Description: translation if object change is active
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
translationInactive="x y z"Description: translation if object change is in active
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
visibilityActive="boolean"Description: visibility if object change is active
Type: Boolean
Required: no
visibilityInactive="boolean"Description: visibility if object change is in active
Type: Boolean
Required: no

<transition from="string"Description: State name from
Type: String
Required: no
to="string"Description: State name to
Type: String
Required: no


<unloadingSpot capacity="string"Description: Unloading spot capacity
Type: String
Required: no
fillTypeCategories="string"Description: Unloading spot filltype categories
Type: String
Required: no
fillTypes="string"Description: Unloading spot filltypes
Type: String
Required: no
markerNode="node"Description: Unloading spot marker
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<fillPlane changeVisibility="boolean"Description: Hide node if state is zero
Type: Boolean
Required: no
colorChange="false"Description: Fill plane color change
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
maxRotX="angle"Description: Fill plane max rotation x
Type: Angle
Required: no
maxY="float"Description: Fill plane max y
Type: Float
Required: no
minRotX="angle"Description: Fill plane min rotation x
Type: Angle
Required: no
minY="float"Description: Fill plane min y
Type: Float
Required: no
node="node"Description: Fill plane node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<unloadTrigger acceptedToolTypes="string"Description: List of accepted tool types
Type: String
Required: no
aiNode="node"Description: AI target node, required for the station to support AI. AI drives to the node in positive Z direction. Height is not relevant.
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
avoidFillTypeCategories="string"Description: Avoided fill type categories (Even if target would allow the fill type)
Type: String
Required: no
avoidFillTypes="string"Description: Avoided fill types (Even if target would allow the fill type)
Type: String
Required: no
exactFillRootNode="node"Description: Exact fill root node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
fillTypeCategories="string"Description: Supported fill type categories
Type: String
Required: no
fillTypes="string"Description: Supported fill types
Type: String
Required: no
priceScale="float"Description: Price scale added for sold goods
Type: Float
Required: no

<baleTrigger class="string"Description: Name of bale trigger class
Type: String
Required: no
deleteLitersPerSecond="4000"Description: Delete liters per second
Type: Float
Default: 4000
Required: no
triggerNode="node"Description: Trigger node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<fillTypeConversion incomingFillType="string"Description: Filltype to be converted
Type: String
Required: no
outgoingFillType="string"Description: Filltype to be converted to
Type: String
Required: no
ratio="1"Description: Conversion ratio between input- and output amount
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<woodTrigger activationTriggerNode="node"Description: Activation trigger node for the player
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
class="string"Description: Name of wood trigger class
Type: String
Required: no
trainSystemId="string"Description: Money will be added to the account of the current rental farm id of the train. This attribute is the map bound id of the corresponding train system.
Type: String
Required: no
triggerNode="node"Description: Trigger node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
