
<font characterShape="string"Description: Path to character mesh
Type: String
Required: no
filename="string"Description: Path to i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
name="string"Description: Name if font
Type: String
Required: no
node="string"Description: Path to material node
Type: String
Required: no
noNormalNode="string"Description: Path to material node without normal map
Type: String
Required: no

<character offsetX="0"Description: Custom X offset for created char lines (percentage)
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
offsetY="0"Description: Custom Y offset for created char lines (percentage)
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
realSpacingX="float"Description: Real spacing from border to visual beginning
Type: Float
Required: no
spacingX="float"Description: Custom spacing X
Type: Float
Required: no
spacingY="float"Description: Custom spacing Y
Type: Float
Required: no
type="alphabetical"Description: Character type
Type: String
Default: alphabetical
Required: no
uvIndex="0"Description: Index on uv map
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
value="string"Description: Character value
Type: String
Required: no

<spacing charToChar="0.1"Description: Spacing from character to character in percentage
Type: Float
Default: 0.1
Required: no
x="0"Description: X Spacing
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
y="0"Description: Y Spacing
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no


<parentFile xmlFilename="string"Description: Remove vehicle if unit empty
Type: String
Required: no

<clearList keepIndex="integer"Description: Index of list to keep
Type: Integer
Required: no
path="string"Description: List to clear but keep one item
Type: String
Required: no

<remove path="string"Description: Path to remove from parent xml
Type: String
Required: no

<set path="string"Description: Path change in parent xml
Type: String
Required: no
value="string"Description: Target value to set in parent file
Type: String
Required: no
