
<colorConfigurations defaultColorIndex="integer"Description: Default selected color
Type: Integer
Required: no
defaultColorMaxBrightness="0.55"Description: Default colors with higher brightness will be skipped
Type: Float
Default: 0.55
Required: no
shaderParameter="colorMat0"Description: Color shader parameter
Type: String
Default: colorMat0
Required: no
shaderParameterCharacters="colorSale"Description: Color shader parameter of characters
Type: String
Default: colorSale
Required: no
useDefaultColors="false"Description: License plate can be colored with all available default colors
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no

<colorConfiguration color="r g b"Description: Color values
Type: Color values (r, g, b) or brand color id
Required: no
isDefault="boolean"Description: Color is default selected
Type: Boolean
Required: no
name="string"Description: Name of color to display
Type: String or l10n key
Required: no


<font name="GENERIC"Description: License plate font name
Type: String
Default: GENERIC
Required: no

<licensePlate filename="string"Description: License plate i3d filename
Type: String
Required: no
height="0.2"Description: Height of license plate
Type: Float
Default: 0.2
Required: no
node="node"Description: License plate node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
type="ELONGATED"Description: License plate type 'SQUARISH' or 'ELONGATED'
Type: String
Required: no
width="1"Description: Width of license plate
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no

<font scaleX="1"Description: Additional scaling of font X
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
scaleY="1"Description: Additional scaling of font Y
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
size="0.1"Description: Size of font
Type: Float
Default: 0.1
Required: no

<frame heightOffsetBot="0"Description: Height of frame at bottom
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
heightOffsetTop="0"Description: Height of frame on top
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
node="string"Description: Frame node that can be toggled
Type: String
Required: no
widthOffset="0"Description: Width of frame on each side
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no

<color color="r g b"Description: Color to apply on shader parameter
Type: Color values (r, g, b) or brand color id
Required: no
shaderParameter="string"Description: Shader parameter to set
Type: String
Required: no

<value alphabetical="false"Description: Node supports alphabetical characters
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
character="string"Description: Pre defined character of node
Type: String
Required: no
isStatic="boolean"Description: Node is only static without applying of characters
Type: Boolean
Default: is static if 'numerical' and 'alphabetical' are both on false and no fixed character is given
Required: no
locked="boolean"Description: Character value can not be changed
Type: Boolean
Default: locked when character is defined
Required: no
nextSection="false"Description: Is start character for next section
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
node="string"Description: Value mesh index
Type: String
Required: no
numerical="false"Description: Node supports numeric characters
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
position="ANY"Description: Value will be hidden of position differs from placement position
Type: String
Default: ANY
Required: no
posX="float"Description: X translation of value node
Type: Float
Required: no
posY="float"Description: Y translation of value node
Type: Float
Required: no
posZ="float"Description: Z translation of value node
Type: Float
Required: no
special="false"Description: Node supports special characters
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no


<parentFile xmlFilename="string"Description: Remove vehicle if unit empty
Type: String
Required: no

<clearList keepIndex="integer"Description: Index of list to keep
Type: Integer
Required: no
path="string"Description: List to clear but keep one item
Type: String
Required: no

<remove path="string"Description: Path to remove from parent xml
Type: String
Required: no

<set path="string"Description: Path change in parent xml
Type: String
Required: no
value="string"Description: Target value to set in parent file
Type: String
Required: no


<placement defaultType="both"Description: Default type of placement (none/both/back_only)
Type: String
Default: both
Required: no
