<powerTakeOff colorShaderParameter="string"Description: Color shader parameter
Type: String
Required: no
decalColorShaderParameter="string"Description: Decal color shader parameter
Type: String
Required: no
filename="string"Description: Path to i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
isDoubleJoint="false"Description: Is double joint PTO
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
isSingleJoint="false"Description: Is single joint PTO
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
maxAngle="45"Description: Max. angle between start and end
Type: Angle
Default: 45
Required: no
minLength="0.6"Description: Minimum length of pto
Type: Float
Default: 0.6
Required: no
size="0.19"Description: Height of pto
Type: Float
Default: 0.19
Required: no
zOffset="0"Description: Z axis offset of end node
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no

<animationNode class="RotationAnimation"Description: Animation class (RotationAnimation | RotationAnimationSpikes | ScrollingAnimation | ShakeAnimation)
Type: String
Default: RotationAnimation
Required: no
minAlphaForTurnOff="0"Description: Min. alpha for turn off (speed [0-1])
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
node="node"Description: Node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
rotAxis="2"Description: Rotation axis
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
rotSpeed="1"Description: Rotation speed
Type: Angle
Default: 1
Required: no
scrollLength="1"Description: (ScrollingAnimation) Scroll length
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
scrollSpeed="1"Description: (ScrollingAnimation) Scroll speed
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
shaderComponentScale="1 0 0 0"Description: Shader parameter name
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Default: 1 0 0 0
Required: no
shaderParameterComponent="1"Description: (ScrollingAnimation) Shader parameter component
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
shaderParameterName="string"Description: Shader parameter name
Type: String
Required: no
shaderParameterPrevName="automatically calculated from #shaderParameterName"Description: Prev Shader parameter name
Type: String
Default: automatically calculated from #shaderParameterName
Required: no
shaking="0 0 0 0"Description: (ShakeAnimation) Shaking scale for shader parameters
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Default: 0 0 0 0
Required: no
speedFunc="string"Description: Lua speed function
Type: String
Required: no
speedFuncParam="string"Description: Additional string parameter that is passed to the speedFunc
Type: String
Required: no
turnedOffPosition="float"Description: (ScrollingAnimation) Target position while turned off
Type: Float
Required: no
turnedOffRotation="angle"Description: (RotationAnimation) Target rotation while turned off
Type: Angle
Required: no
turnedOffSubDivisions="1"Description: Amount of sub divisions which have the same state
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
turnOffFadeTime="2"Description: Turn off fade time
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
turnOnFadeTime="2"Description: Turn on fade time
Type: Float
Default: 2
Required: no
turnOnOffVariance="float"Description: Turn off time variance
Type: Float
Required: no
type="string"Description: (ScrollingAnimation) Fill type name
Type: String
Required: no

<spikes maxRot="angle"Description: Max. spike rotation
Type: Angle
Required: no
moveDownRange="x y"Description: Move down range
Type: Rotation values (x, y)
Required: no
moveUpRange="x y"Description: Move up range
Type: Rotation values (x, y)
Required: no
rotAxis="3"Description: Rotation axis
Type: Integer
Default: 3
Required: no

<spike direction="integer"Description: Spike rot. direction
Type: Integer
Required: no
node="node"Description: Spike node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no


<endJoint node="node"Description: (Single Joint) End joint node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<endJoint1 node="node"Description: (Double Joint) End joint 1
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
referenceNode="node"Description: (Double Joint) End joint 1 reference node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<endJoint2 node="node"Description: (Double Joint) End joint 2
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<linkNode node="node"Description: Link node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<parentFile xmlFilename="string"Description: Remove vehicle if unit empty
Type: String
Required: no

<clearList keepIndex="integer"Description: Index of list to keep
Type: Integer
Required: no
path="string"Description: List to clear but keep one item
Type: String
Required: no

<remove path="string"Description: Path to remove from parent xml
Type: String
Required: no

<set path="string"Description: Path change in parent xml
Type: String
Required: no
value="string"Description: Target value to set in parent file
Type: String
Required: no


<scalePart node="node"Description: (Single|Double Joint) Scale part node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
referenceNode="node"Description: (Single|Double Joint) Scale part reference node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<startJoint node="node"Description: (Single Joint) Start joint node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<startJoint1 node="node"Description: (Double Joint) Start joint 1
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<startJoint2 node="node"Description: (Double Joint) Start joint 2
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<startNode node="node"Description: Start node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<translationPart length="0.4"Description: (Single|Double Joint) translation part length
Type: Float
Default: 0.4
Required: no
node="node"Description: (Single|Double Joint) translation part node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
referenceNode="node"Description: (Single|Double Joint) translation part reference node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no

<decal minOffset="0.01"Description: (Single|Double Joint) translation part decal minOffset
Type: Float
Default: 0.01
Required: no
node="node"Description: (Single|Double Joint) translation part decal node
Type: Index to i3d node or i3d mapping identifier
Required: no
offset="0.05"Description: (Single|Double Joint) translation part decal offset
Type: Float
Default: 0.05
Required: no
size="0.1"Description: (Single|Double Joint) translation part decal size
Type: Float
Default: 0.1
Required: no
