<placeables loadAnyFarmInSingleplayer="false"Description: Load any farm in singleplayer. Causes any placeable with any farmId to be loaded.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
version="integer"Description: Version of map placeables file
Type: Integer
Required: no

<parentFile xmlFilename="string"Description: Remove vehicle if unit empty
Type: String
Required: no

<clearList keepIndex="integer"Description: Index of list to keep
Type: Integer
Required: no
path="string"Description: List to clear but keep one item
Type: String
Required: no

<remove path="string"Description: Path to remove from parent xml
Type: String
Required: no

<set path="string"Description: Path change in parent xml
Type: String
Required: no
value="string"Description: Target value to set in parent file
Type: String
Required: no


<placeable age="0"Description: Age of placeable in months.
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
defaultFarmProperty="false"Description: Is property of default farm. Causes object to be removed on non-starter games.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
farmId="0"Description: Owner farmland
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
filename="string"Description: Path to xml filename
Type: String
Required: no
id="integer"Description: Save id
Type: Integer
Required: no
mapBoundId="string"Description: Map bound identifier (defines that a placeable is placed on a map directly, and with a unique ID)
Type: String
Required: no
modName="string"Description: Name of mod
Type: String
Required: no
name="string"Description: Custom name set by player to be used instead of store item name
Type: String
Required: no
position="x y z"Description: Position
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
price="float"Description: Price of placeable
Type: Float
Required: no
rotation="x y z"Description: Rotation
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
sinceVersion="integer"Description: Version of xml file when this placeable was added. Will cause placeable to appear on older, existing saves
Type: Integer
Required: no

<animatedObject direction="0"Description: Animated object direction
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
time="float"Description: Animated object time
Type: Float
Required: no

<beehivePalletSpawner pendingLiters="float"Description: Pending liters to be spawned
Type: Float
Required: no

<bunkerSilo compactedFillLevel="float"Description: Compacted fill level
Type: Float
Required: no
fermentingTime="float"Description: Fermenting time
Type: Float
Required: no
fillLevel="float"Description: Current fill level
Type: Float
Required: no
openedAtBack="false"Description: Is opened at back
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
openedAtFront="false"Description: Is opened at front
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
state="0"Description: Current silo state (FILL = 0, CLOSED = 1, FERMENTED = 2, DRAIN = 3)
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no

<color>integerDescription: Active color index
Type: Integer
Required: no

<customImage filename="string"Description: Path to a custom image file
Type: String
Required: no

<doghouse name="string"Description: Name of dog
Type: String
Required: no

<segment end="x y"Description: Segment end position
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no
first="true"Description: Segment has first pole visible
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
gateIndex="integer"Description: Gate index
Type: Integer
Required: no
last="true"Description: Segment has last pole visible
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no
start="x y"Description: Segment start position
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no

<animatedObject direction="0"Description: Animated object direction
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
time="float"Description: Animated object time
Type: Float
Required: no

<husbandry globalProductionFactor="float"Description: Global production factor
Type: Float
Required: no

<module name="string"Description: Name of module
Type: String
Required: no

<storage farmId="0"Description: Owner farm land id
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no

<node fillLevel="0"Description: Fill level
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fillType="string"Description: Fill type name
Type: String
Required: no

<unloadingSpot fillLevel="integer"Description: Unloading spot filllevel
Type: Integer
Required: no
index="integer"Description: Unloading spot index
Type: Integer
Required: no

<fillLevel fillLevel="float"Description: Fill level
Type: Float
Required: no
fillType="string"Description: Fill type
Type: String
Required: no

<husbandryPallets fillLevel="float"Description: Fill Level
Type: Float
Required: no
pendingLiters="float"Description: Pending liters
Type: Float
Required: no

<manureHeap manureToDrop="0"Description: Manure that should be drop the visible heap
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
manureToPick="0"Description: Manure that need to be picked from visible heap
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no

<object className="string"Description: Object class name
Type: String
Required: no
farmId="integer"Description: Id of owner farm
Type: Integer
Required: no
filename="string"Description: Path to bale xml file
Type: String
Required: no
fillLevel="float"Description: Current bale fill level
Type: Float
Required: no
fillType="string"Description: Current bale fill type
Type: String
Required: no
isBigBag="boolean"Description: Is a big bag object
Type: Boolean
Required: no
isMissionBale="false"Description: Bale was produced in mission context
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
position="x y z"Description: Bale position
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
rotation="x y z"Description: Bale rotation
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
valueScale="float"Description: Bale value scale
Type: Float
Required: no
wrappingColor="x y z w"Description: Wrapping color
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Required: no
wrappingState="float"Description: Current wrapping state
Type: Float
Required: no

<configuration id="string"Description: Configuration id
Type: String
Required: no
name="string"Description: Configuration name
Type: String
Required: no

<fermentation isFermenting="boolean"Description: Bale is fermenting
Type: Boolean
Required: no
time="float"Description: Current fermentation time
Type: Float
Required: no

<textures wrapDiffuse="string"Description: Current wrap diffuse file
Type: String
Required: no
wrapNormal="string"Description: Current wrap normal file
Type: String
Required: no

<productionPoint palletSpawnCooldown="integer"Description: remaining cooldown duration of pallet spawner
Type: Integer
Required: no
productionCostsToClaim="float"Description: production costs yet to be claimed from the owning player
Type: Float
Required: no

<autoDeliverFillType>stringDescription: fillType currently configured to be automatically delivered
Type: String
Required: no

<directSellFillType>stringDescription: fillType currently configured to be directly sold
Type: String
Required: no

<production id="string"Description: Unique id of the production
Type: String
Required: no
isEnabled="boolean"Description: State of the production
Type: Boolean
Required: no

<storage farmId="0"Description: Owner farm land id
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no

<node fillLevel="0"Description: Fill level
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fillType="string"Description: Fill type name
Type: String
Required: no

<stats fillType="string"Description: Fill type
Type: String
Required: no
isInPlateau="boolean"Description: Is in plateau
Type: Boolean
Required: no
meanValue="float"Description: Mean value
Type: Float
Required: no
nextPlateauNumber="integer"Description: Next plateau number
Type: Integer
Required: no
paid="0"Description: Payed fill level
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
plateauDuration="integer"Description: Plateau duration
Type: Integer
Required: no
plateauTime="float"Description: Plateau time
Type: Float
Required: no
priceVersion="0"Description: Price version (If version is outdated values are reseted)
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
received="0"Description: Recieved fill level
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no

<curve1 amplitude="float"Description: Amplitude
Type: Float
Required: no
amplitudeDistribution="integer"Description: Amplitude fistribution
Type: Integer
Required: no
nominalAmplitude="float"Description: Normal amplitude
Type: Float
Required: no
nominalAmplitudeVariation="float"Description: Normal amplitude variation
Type: Float
Required: no
nominalPeriod="integer"Description: Nominal period
Type: Integer
Required: no
nominalPeriodVariation="integer"Description: Nominal period variation
Type: Integer
Required: no
period="float"Description: Period
Type: Float
Required: no
periodDistribution="integer"Description: Period distribution
Type: Integer
Required: no
time="float"Description: Time
Type: Float
Required: no

<curveBaseCurve amplitude="float"Description: Amplitude
Type: Float
Required: no
amplitudeDistribution="integer"Description: Amplitude fistribution
Type: Integer
Required: no
nominalAmplitude="float"Description: Normal amplitude
Type: Float
Required: no
nominalAmplitudeVariation="float"Description: Normal amplitude variation
Type: Float
Required: no
nominalPeriod="integer"Description: Nominal period
Type: Integer
Required: no
nominalPeriodVariation="integer"Description: Nominal period variation
Type: Integer
Required: no
period="float"Description: Period
Type: Float
Required: no
periodDistribution="integer"Description: Period distribution
Type: Integer
Required: no
time="float"Description: Time
Type: Float
Required: no

<storage farmId="0"Description: Owner farm land id
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no
index="integer"Description: Storage index
Type: Integer
Required: no

<node fillLevel="0"Description: Fill level
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fillType="string"Description: Fill type name
Type: String
Required: no

<siloExtension farmId="0"Description: Owner farm land id
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Required: no

<node fillLevel="0"Description: Fill level
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
fillType="string"Description: Fill type name
Type: String
Required: no

<solarPanels headRotationRandom="float"Description: Head random rotation
Type: Float
Required: no

<trainSystem currentPrice="float"Description: Current pending rent price
Type: Float
Required: no
isRented="boolean"Description: Is train rented
Type: Boolean
Required: no
rentFarmId="integer"Description: Train is rented by farm
Type: Integer
Required: no
splineTime="float"Description: Current spline time
Type: Float
Required: no

<railroadObjects index="integer"Description: Object index
Type: Integer
Required: no

<railroadVehicle vehicleId="integer"Description: Vehicle id
Type: Integer
Required: no

<vine startGrowthState="integer"Description: Vineyard start growth state
Type: Integer
Required: no

<windTurbine headRotation="angle"Description: Current head rotation
Type: Angle
Required: no
