<vehicles loadAnyFarmInSingleplayer="false"Description: Load any farm in singleplayer
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no

<attachments rootVehicleId="integer"Description: Id of root vehicle
Type: Integer
Required: no

<attachment attachmentId="integer"Description: Attachment vehicle id
Type: Integer
Required: no
inputJointDescIndex="1"Description: Index of input attacher joint
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
jointIndex="integer"Description: Index of attacher joint
Type: Integer
Required: no
moveDown="boolean"Description: Attachment lowered or lifted
Type: Boolean
Required: no


<parentFile xmlFilename="string"Description: Remove vehicle if unit empty
Type: String
Required: no

<clearList keepIndex="integer"Description: Index of list to keep
Type: Integer
Required: no
path="string"Description: List to clear but keep one item
Type: String
Required: no

<remove path="string"Description: Path to remove from parent xml
Type: String
Required: no

<set path="string"Description: Path change in parent xml
Type: String
Required: no
value="string"Description: Target value to set in parent file
Type: String
Required: no


<vehicle activeMissionId="integer"Description: Active mission id
Type: Integer
Required: no
age="float"Description: Age in number of months
Type: Float
Required: no
defaultFarmProperty="false"Description: Property of default farm
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
farmId="integer"Description: Farm id
Type: Integer
Required: no
filename="string"Description: XML filename
Type: String
Required: no
id="integer"Description: Vehicle id
Type: Integer
Required: no
isAbsolute="boolean"Description: Position is Absolute
Type: Boolean
Required: no
modName="string"Description: Vehicle mod name
Type: String
Required: no
operatingTime="float"Description: Operating time
Type: Float
Required: no
price="float"Description: Price
Type: Float
Required: no
propertyState="integer"Description: Property state
Type: Integer
Required: no
selectedObjectIndex="integer"Description: Selected object index
Type: Integer
Required: no
subSelectedObjectIndex="integer"Description: Sub selected object index
Type: Integer
Required: no
tourId="string"Description: Tour id
Type: String
Required: no
xPosition="float"Description: X Position
Type: Float
Required: no
yOffset="float"Description: Y Offset
Type: Float
Required: no
yRotation="float"Description: Y Rotation
Type: Float
Required: no
zPosition="float"Description: Z Position
Type: Float
Required: no

<actionController lastDirection="integer"Description: Last action controller direction
Type: Integer
Required: no
numActions="integer"Description: Action controller actions
Type: Integer
Required: no

<action identifier="string"Description: Action identifier
Type: String
Required: no
lastDirection="integer"Description: Last action direction
Type: Integer
Required: no
name="string"Description: Action name
Type: String
Required: no

<aiConveyorBelt currentAngle="45"Description: Current angle
Type: Float
Default: 45
Required: no

<aiFieldWorker lastTurnDirection="boolean"Description: Last AI turn direction
Type: Boolean
Required: no

<attachable lowerAnimTime="float"Description: Lower animation time
Type: Float
Required: no

<attacherJoints comboDirection="integer"Description: Current combo direction
Type: Integer
Required: no

<baleLoader baleTypeIndex="integer"Description: Last bale type index
Type: Integer
Required: no
isInWorkPosition="boolean"Description: Is in working Position
Type: Boolean
Required: no
lastFoldingAnimation="string"Description: Last folding animation name
Type: String
Required: no

<bale balePlace="integer"Description: Bale place index
Type: Integer
Required: no
farmId="integer"Description: Farm index
Type: Integer
Required: no
filename="string"Description: Filename
Type: String
Required: no
fillLevel="float"Description: Filllevel
Type: Float
Required: no
fillType="string"Description: Current bale fill type
Type: String
Required: no
helper="integer"Description: Helper index
Type: Integer
Required: no
isMissionBale="false"Description: Bale was produced in mission context
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
position="x y z"Description: Position
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
rotation="x y z"Description: Rotation
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
valueScale="float"Description: Bale value scale
Type: Float
Required: no
wrappingColor="x y z w"Description: Wrapping color
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Required: no
wrappingState="float"Description: Current wrapping state
Type: Float
Required: no

<fermentation isFermenting="boolean"Description: Bale is fermenting
Type: Boolean
Required: no
time="float"Description: Current fermentation time
Type: Float
Required: no

<textures wrapDiffuse="string"Description: Current wrap diffuse file
Type: String
Required: no
wrapNormal="string"Description: Current wrap normal file
Type: String
Required: no

<baler baleTypeIndex="1"Description: Current bale type index
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
bufferUnloadingStarted="boolean"Description: Baler buffer unloading in progress
Type: Boolean
Required: no
fillUnitCapacity="float"Description: Current baler capacity depending on bale size
Type: Float
Required: no
numBales="integer"Description: Number of bales
Type: Integer
Required: no
platformReadyToDrop="false"Description: Platform is ready to drop
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
preSelectedBaleTypeIndex="1"Description: Pre selected bale type index
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no

<bale baleTime="float"Description: Bale time
Type: Float
Required: no
filename="string"Description: XML Filename of bale
Type: String
Required: no
fillLevel="float"Description: Bale fill level
Type: Float
Required: no
fillType="string"Description: Bale fill type index
Type: String
Required: no

<baleWrapper wrapperTime="0"Description: Bale wrapping time
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no

<bale farmId="integer"Description: Id of owner farm
Type: Integer
Required: no
filename="string"Description: Path to bale xml file
Type: String
Required: no
fillLevel="float"Description: Current bale fill level
Type: Float
Required: no
fillType="string"Description: Current bale fill type
Type: String
Required: no
isMissionBale="false"Description: Bale was produced in mission context
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
position="x y z"Description: Bale position
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
rotation="x y z"Description: Bale rotation
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
valueScale="float"Description: Bale value scale
Type: Float
Required: no
wrappingColor="x y z w"Description: Wrapping color
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Required: no
wrappingState="float"Description: Current wrapping state
Type: Float
Required: no

<fermentation isFermenting="boolean"Description: Bale is fermenting
Type: Boolean
Required: no
time="float"Description: Current fermentation time
Type: Float
Required: no

<textures wrapDiffuse="string"Description: Current wrap diffuse file
Type: String
Required: no
wrapNormal="string"Description: Current wrap normal file
Type: String
Required: no

<boughtConfiguration id="string"Description: Configuration save id
Type: String
Required: no
name="string"Description: Configuration name
Type: String
Required: no

<combine isSwathActive="boolean"Description: Swath is active
Type: Boolean
Required: no
numAttachedCutters="integer"Description: Number of last attached cutters
Type: Integer
Required: no
workedHectars="float"Description: Worked hectars
Type: Float
Required: no

<component index="integer"Description: Component index
Type: Integer
Required: no
position="x y z"Description: Component position
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
rotation="x y z"Description: Component rotation
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Required: no

<configuration id="string"Description: Configuration save id
Type: String
Required: no
name="string"Description: Configuration name
Type: String
Required: no

<cover state="integer"Description: Current cover state
Type: Integer
Required: no

<crabSteering state="1"Description: Current steering mode
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no

<movingTool animationTime="float"Description: Current animation time
Type: Float
Required: no
rotation="angle"Description: Current rotation in rad
Type: Angle
Required: no
translation="float"Description: Current translation value
Type: Float
Required: no

<drivable cruiseControl="integer"Description: Current cruise control speed
Type: Integer
Required: no
cruiseControlReverse="integer"Description: Current cruise control speed reverse
Type: Integer
Required: no

<enterable activeCameraIndex="1"Description: Index of active camera
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
isTabbable="true"Description: Is tabbable
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: no

<camera cameraYDebugActive="boolean"Description: Camera Y Debug Mode Active
Type: Boolean
Required: no
cameraYDebugHeight="float"Description: Camera Y Debug Mode orthographic height
Type: Float
Required: no
fovY="float"Description: Custom Field of View Y
Type: Float
Required: no
lodDebugActive="boolean"Description: LOD Debug Mode Active
Type: Boolean
Required: no
lodDebugZoom="float"Description: LOD Debug Mode Zoom Ref
Type: Float
Required: no
rotation="x y z"Description: Camera rotation
Type: Rotation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
translation="x y z"Description: Camera translation
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
zoom="float"Description: Camera zoom
Type: Float
Required: no

<unit fillLevel="float"Description: Fill level
Type: Float
Required: no
fillType="string"Description: Fill type
Type: String
Required: no
index="integer"Description: Fill Unit index
Type: Integer
Required: no

<foldable foldAnimTime="float"Description: Fold animation time
Type: Float
Required: no

<licensePlates characters="string"Description: Characters string
Type: String
Required: no
colorIndex="1"Description: Selected color index
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
placementIndex="1"Description: Selected placement index
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
variation="1"Description: License plate variation
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no

<livestockTrailer animalType="string"Description: Animal type name
Type: String
Required: no

<fillType fillLevel="0"Description: Fill level
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no

<pipe state="integer"Description: Current pipe state
Type: Integer
Required: no

<plow rotationMax="boolean"Description: Rotation max.
Type: Boolean
Required: no
turnAnimTime="float"Description: Turn animation time
Type: Float
Required: no

<plowPacker lastPackerState="boolean"Description: Last packer state while turning
Type: Boolean
Required: no
packerState="boolean"Description: Packer state
Type: Boolean
Required: no

<receivingHopper createBoxes="boolean"Description: Create boxes
Type: Boolean
Required: no

<reverseDriving isActive="boolean"Description: Reverse driving is active
Type: Boolean
Required: no

<rideable animalType="string"Description: Animal type name
Type: String
Required: no

<ridgeMarker state="integer"Description: Ridge marker state
Type: Integer
Required: no

<sowingMachine selectedSeedFruitType="string"Description: Selected fruit type name
Type: String
Required: no

<belt isActive="false"Description: Belt is active
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no

<trailer doorState="boolean"Description: Current back door state
Type: Boolean
Required: no
tipAnimationTime="float"Description: Current tip animation time
Type: Float
Required: no
tipSideIndex="integer"Description: Current tip side index
Type: Integer
Required: no
tipState="integer"Description: Current tip state
Type: Integer
Required: no

<treePlanter lastTreePos="x y z"Description: Position of last tree
Type: Translation values (x, y, z)
Required: no
palletHadBeenMounted="boolean"Description: Pallet is mounted
Type: Boolean
Required: no

<variableWorkWidth leftSide="integer"Description: Left side section states
Type: Integer
Default: Max. state
Required: no
rightSide="integer"Description: Right side section states
Type: Integer
Default: Max. state
Required: no

<dirtNode amount="float"Description: Dirt amount
Type: Float
Required: no
snowScale="float"Description: Snow scale
Type: Float
Required: no

<wearable damage="float"Description: Damage amount
Type: Float
Required: no

<wearNode amount="float"Description: Wear amount
Type: Float
Required: no

<wheels lastWheelConfiguration="1"Description: Last selected wheel configuration
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no

<woodHarvester currentCutLengthIndex="1"Description: Current cut length selection index
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
hasAttachedSplitShape="false"Description: Has split shape attached
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
isTurnedOn="false"Description: Harvester is turned on
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: no
lastCutAttachDirection="integer"Description: Last tree attach direction
Type: Integer
Required: no
lastTreeJointPos="x y z"Description: Last tree joint position in local space of splitShape
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z)
Required: no
lastTreeSize="x y z w"Description: Last dimensions of tree to cutNode
Type: Multiple values (x, y, z, w)
Required: no

<workMode state="1"Description: Current work mode
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Required: no
