
<brand>LIZARDDescription: Wheel tire brand
Type: String
Default: LIZARD
Required: no

<configuration id="string"Description: Configuration Id
Type: String
Required: no

<additional filename="string"Description: Path to additional i3d
Type: String
Required: no
mass="float"Description: Additional mass (to.)
Type: Float
Required: no
node="string"Description: Additional node index in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
nodeLeft="string"Description: Additional node left index in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
nodeRight="string"Description: Additional node right index in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
offset="0"Description: Additional node offset
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
scale="x y z"Description: Additional node scale
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Required: no
widthAndDiam="x y"Description: Width and diameter
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no

<innerRim filename="string"Description: Path to inner rim i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
node="0|0"Description: Inner rim node index in i3d file
Type: String
Default: 0|0
Required: no
nodeLeft="string"Description: Inner rim node left index in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
nodeRight="string"Description: Inner rim node right index in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
offset="0"Description: Inner rim offset
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
scale="x y z"Description: Inner rim scale
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Required: no
widthAndDiam="x y"Description: Width and diameter
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no

<outerRim filename="string"Description: Path to outer rim i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
node="0|0"Description: Outer rim node index in i3d file
Type: String
Default: 0|0
Required: no
nodeLeft="0|0"Description: Outer rim node left index in i3d file
Type: String
Default: 0|0
Required: no
nodeRight="0|0"Description: Outer rim node right index in i3d file
Type: String
Default: 0|0
Required: no
scale="x y z"Description: Outer rim scale
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Required: no
widthAndDiam="x y"Description: Width and diameter
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no

<physics frictionScale="float"Description: Friction scale
Type: Float
Required: no
mass="0.1"Description: Wheel mass (to.)
Type: Float
Default: 0.1
Required: no
maxLatStiffness="float"Description: Max. latitude stiffness
Type: Float
Required: no
maxLatStiffnessLoad="float"Description: Max. latitude stiffness load
Type: Float
Required: no
maxLongStiffness="float"Description: Max. longitude stiffness
Type: Float
Required: no
radius="float"Description: Wheel radius
Type: Float
Required: no
smoothGroundRadius="float"Description: Smooth ground radius
Type: Float
Default: width * 0.75
Required: no
tireType="string"Description: Tire type (mud, offRoad, street, crawler)
Type: String
Required: no
width="float"Description: Wheel width
Type: Float
Required: no

<tire filename="string"Description: Path to tire i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
initialDeformation="float"Description: Tire deformation at initial compression value
Type: Float
Default: min. 0.04 and max. 60% of the deformation
Required: no
isCareWheel="boolean"Description: Is care wheel
Type: Boolean
Required: no
isInverted="boolean"Description: Tire profile is inverted
Type: Boolean
Required: no
maxDeformation="0"Description: Max. deformation
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
node="string"Description: Node Index inside tire i3d
Type: String
Required: no
nodeLeft="string"Description: Left node index inside tire i3d
Type: String
Required: no
nodeRight="string"Description: Right node index inside tire i3d
Type: String
Required: no
sideDeformOffset="1"Description: Offset from lowerst point in center to lowerest point on the side in percentage (0.95: Radius on the side is 5% smaller than in the center)
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
tireTrackAtlasIndex="0"Description: Tire track atlas index
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
widthOffset="0"Description: Width offset
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
xOffset="0"Description: X offset
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no


<additional filename="string"Description: Path to additional i3d
Type: String
Required: no
mass="float"Description: Additional mass (to.)
Type: Float
Required: no
node="string"Description: Additional node index in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
nodeLeft="string"Description: Additional node left index in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
nodeRight="string"Description: Additional node right index in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
offset="0"Description: Additional node offset
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
scale="x y z"Description: Additional node scale
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Required: no
widthAndDiam="x y"Description: Width and diameter
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no

<innerRim filename="string"Description: Path to inner rim i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
node="0|0"Description: Inner rim node index in i3d file
Type: String
Default: 0|0
Required: no
nodeLeft="string"Description: Inner rim node left index in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
nodeRight="string"Description: Inner rim node right index in i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
offset="0"Description: Inner rim offset
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
scale="x y z"Description: Inner rim scale
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Required: no
widthAndDiam="x y"Description: Width and diameter
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no

<outerRim filename="string"Description: Path to outer rim i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
node="0|0"Description: Outer rim node index in i3d file
Type: String
Default: 0|0
Required: no
nodeLeft="0|0"Description: Outer rim node left index in i3d file
Type: String
Default: 0|0
Required: no
nodeRight="0|0"Description: Outer rim node right index in i3d file
Type: String
Default: 0|0
Required: no
scale="x y z"Description: Outer rim scale
Type: Scale values (x, y, z)
Required: no
widthAndDiam="x y"Description: Width and diameter
Type: Multiple values (x, y)
Required: no

<physics frictionScale="float"Description: Friction scale
Type: Float
Required: no
mass="0.1"Description: Wheel mass (to.)
Type: Float
Default: 0.1
Required: no
maxLatStiffness="float"Description: Max. latitude stiffness
Type: Float
Required: no
maxLatStiffnessLoad="float"Description: Max. latitude stiffness load
Type: Float
Required: no
maxLongStiffness="float"Description: Max. longitude stiffness
Type: Float
Required: no
radius="float"Description: Wheel radius
Type: Float
Required: no
smoothGroundRadius="float"Description: Smooth ground radius
Type: Float
Default: width * 0.75
Required: no
tireType="string"Description: Tire type (mud, offRoad, street, crawler)
Type: String
Required: no
width="float"Description: Wheel width
Type: Float
Required: no

<tire filename="string"Description: Path to tire i3d file
Type: String
Required: no
initialDeformation="float"Description: Tire deformation at initial compression value
Type: Float
Default: min. 0.04 and max. 60% of the deformation
Required: no
isCareWheel="boolean"Description: Is care wheel
Type: Boolean
Required: no
isInverted="boolean"Description: Tire profile is inverted
Type: Boolean
Required: no
maxDeformation="0"Description: Max. deformation
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
node="string"Description: Node Index inside tire i3d
Type: String
Required: no
nodeLeft="string"Description: Left node index inside tire i3d
Type: String
Required: no
nodeRight="string"Description: Right node index inside tire i3d
Type: String
Required: no
sideDeformOffset="1"Description: Offset from lowerst point in center to lowerest point on the side in percentage (0.95: Radius on the side is 5% smaller than in the center)
Type: Float
Default: 1
Required: no
tireTrackAtlasIndex="0"Description: Tire track atlas index
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
widthOffset="0"Description: Width offset
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no
xOffset="0"Description: X offset
Type: Float
Default: 0
Required: no


<name>TireDescription: Wheel tire name
Type: String
Default: Tire
Required: no

<parentFile xmlFilename="string"Description: Remove vehicle if unit empty
Type: String
Required: no

<clearList keepIndex="integer"Description: Index of list to keep
Type: Integer
Required: no
path="string"Description: List to clear but keep one item
Type: String
Required: no

<remove path="string"Description: Path to remove from parent xml
Type: String
Required: no

<set path="string"Description: Path change in parent xml
Type: String
Required: no
value="string"Description: Target value to set in parent file
Type: String
Required: no
